Blow the candle. Make a Wish

January - 2025

As I sit with those around me singing happy birthday, the awkward inner silence then fills the room entirely as soon as they finish their act. All of them smiling and staring at me, signalling that is my turn to follow the script. The candle is lit. It sits firmly on the cake.

As if I did not remember my role, “make a wish”, they repeat. I look at the candle, emitting an elegant and peaceful flame while dying. The silence loses strength every moment a family member insists for me to make a wish. Then I hear the silence again. I stare at the candle. Its flame looks at me back. No wish appears. For why would it? It is completely and utterly pointless and even harmful to wish and hope for anything. Maybe that is why nothing arose. For once you have understood that fire burns, why would you allow yourself to put a hand in the flame?

“I don't need to make any wish”, as I smile to my audience. In a mix of confusion, slight disgust and warm smiles, they interpreted whatever they were conditioned to. He doesn't need anything because he can get it all? He has everything and needs nothing else? He's glad to have us here and his wish would be this very moment! He is complete! Well… To some extent there is truth in every interpretation. But obviously my statement could not be understood with all the noise in our minds.

In hopes I would remove some of the confused and disgusted faces by explaining myself, I got lost as soon as my mouth opened. Maybe I haven't understood after all.

In the midst of an even more awkward silence, I was saved by an uncle. With a straight face and a deep voice, he insisted I “wish for a beautiful girlfriend!”, then bursted with laughter. So did everyone else. I did too.

I blew the candle out. The flame still remains.